Tuesday, November 26, 2013

11/26/13 - Ogden Won 3 - Lost 2

It was a fun win today against Ogden.  Lorraine played a great singles match and won!!!  I played with Katrina and we took off strong in the first set to win 6-3.  The second set Linda and Jennifer changed their strategy and we backed off from being aggressive at the net.  Katrina called that the ball went through a hole in the net and Ogden challenged it.  We learned that we needed to stand by our call instead of asking them what they thought.  We replayed the ball, but we should have held our ground just like a line call.  I learned that sometimes it is better to return the ball at the net players hard rather than try to lob.  We lost the second set 6-2 so we went to a tie breaker.  After a very long battle we won it 12-10.  I knew we could do it if we stayed focused and stayed aggressive at the net.  Even when we were down 8-4 we came back to win it.   What did you guys learn today from your match???

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