Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Ivory Ridge - Match 11/19/2013 Won 2, Lost 3

Julie & Susan

Tracy & Jenn
Today against Ivory Ridge we won 2, lost 3 to very close matches.  I played backhand with Jenn.  We won the first set 6-3.  The second set we won 6-4.  We played against Terri and Carla.  What I learned from talking to my partner during the match was that I was swinging at my volleys instead of just blocking them. Carla hit hard at the net person on the return and we learned we had to back up further from the net.  It was a fun match.
Julie and Susan

Marianne & Kelly


  1. Please write about your match and what you learned that help you play better! Photos welcome too!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Score 6-2, 2-6, 1-0 (Loss for us) I played with Marianne. She played backhand and I played forehand and that worked well. The first set we made more errors and we had 3 of our games go to deuce, two of which we lost! Boo! We dominated in the 2nd set by coming to the net and making less errors. They started lobbing a lot in the 2nd set to try and get back in the game, but Marianne stayed mid court and could run and get the lob behind me or back up and hit it hard back at them. They both had great ground-strokes, but our serves were better. We lost the momentum in the 3rd set tie-break. It was a tough, fun match. I learned...win in two sets :) Katrina

  4. Well, I was really feeling like a techno wizard, until I just deleted my entire post before I published it! OK, here I go again! I played singles the last two weeks, and honestly, they were two of the most fun days of 2013 for me. I lost one close match and won a close match, but I realized again how amazingly lucky we are to be able to do something that we love so much-win or lose! But since this blog is all about learning to WIN MORE, I will tell you what I learned. During the match that I lost, I found myself thinking random thoughts like, "Hey, I think that I can beat this lady." Or "Now I am behind. Maybe I will lose." Or "I wonder if we are going to lunch after this." Or "I wonder if Tracy and Mer are winning down there." And I lost to a lady that I could have and should have beaten. So this week, whenever I found myself with some random thought, I told myself that it was none of my business and to just keep my eye on the ball. Even though the match was still close at the end, I think that this self talk helped my focus and made the difference. Keep hitting HARD!

    1. I love that message! We need to stay focused on the win and positive thoughts! You hit very hard Kelly, that is one of your strong points! But I am going to remember that lesson of blocking out the chatter of thoughts.

    2. Although I am only a few matches in, I just wanted to note how much fun I am having. All my partners have been very encouraging. Marianne had to put up with my nerves, and she kept us alive with her great side to side movement at the net. Tracy is is awesome at finding what's working/not working during the match, and she encouraged me to be vocal. Today, Mer was right on track saying, we need to stay aggressive. Not all chatter is bad as during my match today, I heard Tracy in my head, say "move up to the net and take charge" I forgot how much I love this game! Happy Thanksgiving!
